Great Videos and Photos of the Best Places and Things to see in Perth Australia. For the independent traveller who is interested in seeing places while planning their next trip. Or for anyone who likes to be close to nature and see the quieter parts of the country or city
Located on the shores of the Indian Ocean, Perth is the capital of Western Australia. It is the fourth-most populous city in Australia, with a population of approx. 2 million. The city was founded by Captain James Stirling in 1829 as the administrative center of the Swan River Colony.
The City
Situated on the banks of the Swan River, the city has a mixture of 19th-century architecture and modern 21st-century developments. While having a population of approx. 2 million the heart of the city is fairly small and easy to get around on foot. From Kings Park there are good views overlooking the Swan River and the city.

City Centre
The City

Kings Park and Botanic Gardens
The City
Swan River
The Swan River estuary flows through the city of Perth. The estuary stretches from Perth all the way to the sea at Freemantle. The water channels become deeper as you approach the sea. Perth lies along the northern shore of the estuary. A small ferry can take you across to the south shore, and a nice walk along the shore will bring you to a bridge spanning the narrow river and from there you can walk back to the city.

Waterfront north side
Swan River

Swan River south side
Swan River
River Cruise
A river cruise is a good way to explore Perth and the surrounding areas. Cruise boats will take you from the city to Freemantle and a small ferry will take you across the estuary to the south city shore.

River Cruise
River Cruise

River Cruise
The city is located at the mouth of the Swan River and on the Indian Ocean. The city has a number of, convict built, colonial style homes. A good trip from Perth is to cruise down the River Swan, wander around Freemantle Town and beach area nad later take a train back to Perth.

Fremantle Town

Sea Front

Inner Harbour