Lough Erne Video Travel Guides


Great Videos and Photos of the Best Places and Things to see in Lough Erne Ireland. For the independent traveller who is interested in seeing places while planning their next trip. Or for anyone who likes to be close to nature and see the quieter parts of the country or city

The town of Enniskillen is located between the Upper and Lower Lough Erne's. The water flowing from the upper lake splts and circles around the town, rejoining on the western end of the town.

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Discover the town of Enniskillen - walk along the old canal or down by the river.

Enniskillen (South)

Enniskillen (South)


South of the town of Enniskillen, the River Erne splits, forming an island on which the town centre is located. The Erne Waterway is connected to the Shannon Waterways, and navigable for pleasure crafts.

Enniskillen Town

Enniskillen Town


The town of Enniskillen is located between Upper and Lower Lough Erne. It is the main town of the region.

Enniskillen (North)

Enniskillen (North)


After splitting on the edge of the town the River Erne rejoins on the north side and continues to flow onto Lough Erne.

Further Reading on Wikipedia : River Erne

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Lough Erne

Explore Lough Erne from Enniskillen to Belleek

Lough Erne Lower

Lough Erne Lower

Lough Erne

The Lower Lough Erne, west of Enniskilleen, has a very scenic circuit drive. There are a number of stopping points along the lake - and places for lunch in Belleek, Kesh and Enniskillen



Lough Erne

The village of Belleek, fanous for its pottery lies on the western end of Lough Erne, close to the border with the Republic of Ireland.

Further Reading on Wikipedia : Lough Erne

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