Vientiane Video Travel Guides


Great Videos and Photos of the Best Places and Things to see in Vientiane Lao. For the independent traveller who is interested in seeing places while planning their next trip. Or for anyone who likes to be close to nature and see the quieter parts of the country or city

Vientiane on the left bank of the Mekong River, bordering Thailand is the capital of Laos. is the capital and largest city of Laos, on the banks of the Mekong River near the border with Thailand. Vientiane became the capital in 1563 and is the economic centre of Laos. The city centre is fairly small and relatively interesting place to visit.

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Vientiane a short review

Vientiane is the capital and largest city of Laos. It lies on the banks of the Mekong River near the border with Thailand.

30 second shortie

30 second shortie

Vientiane a short review

Further Reading on Wikipedia : Vientiane

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The Quays

Vientiane is situated along the Mekong River. The central river side is less developed with parks and recreational areas, while both the north and south there are a number of hotels and modern commercial buildings, The river side is a nice area to spend some time walking and perhaps watching fishermen catch their dinner or fish for the local market.

Quai Fa Ngum

Quai Fa Ngum

The Quays

This main road that runs alongside the river, with open space and parks on either side, There is a pathway that follows the course of the river alongside the quays. There is little commercial activity along the quays today.



The Quays

Watchan a large temple complex is along the river front and is worth visiting.

Chao Anouvong Park

Chao Anouvong Park

The Quays

Chao Anouvong Park is a recreational parkland alongside the river, though the main road separates the park from the river. The park can be busy with local people relaxing at the week ends. The park is named after Anouvong the last monarch of the Lao Kingdom of Vientiane.

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Rue Setthathilath

The area around Rue Setthathilath is the main tourist area of the city. Along this relatively short street, there are numerous temples and Wats many of which are worth exploring. The eastern end of the street has a number of cafes and restaurants.

Inpeng Temple

Inpeng Temple

Rue Setthathilath

Wat Inpeng Temple and the Inpeng Pagoda, are part of the Mon and Khmer cultures and is a landmark cultural site in Lao. It is said, God in the form of an old wise man and old monk helped in the construction of the temple. Within the temple complex, there are many Budha images and rock sculptures.

Wat Mixay

Wat Mixay

Rue Setthathilath

Wat Mixay or Mixai is an another temple on the main street and worth visiting.

Wat Ong Teu

Wat Ong Teu

Rue Setthathilath

Wat Ong Tue or locally called the "temple of the heavy Buddha” as the statue of Budha nearly 6m tall weighs over 10 ton. The temple was built by King Saysethathirath. Monks from all over Lao come to this temple for training.

A stroll along Rue Setthathilath 17.965041, 102.606155

A stroll along Rue Setthathilath 17.965041, 102.606155

Rue Setthathilath

Take a quick stroll down the main street of the city.

Nam Phou Fountain

Nam Phou Fountain

Rue Setthathilath

Nam Phou Fountain is located on the eastern side of Rue Sethathilath and is a place where families meet and relax. There are a number of restaurants in the area.

That Dam

That Dam

Rue Setthathilath

This Stupa lies north of Rue Samsenthai. Folklore has it that the Stupa is inhabited by a seven-headed nāga. The nāga tried to protect the city ( and failed ) from an invasion by the Siamese army in 1827.

National Culture Hall

National Culture Hall

Rue Setthathilath

The National Cultural Hall lies between the two main streets.

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Ave Lane Xang

Avenue Lane Xang is a long avenue running from the Patuxay Monument down to Rue Setthathilath. The monument and the Sisaket Temple at opposite ends of the avenue are the main things to see.

Sisaket Temple

Sisaket Temple

Ave Lane Xang

Avenue Lane Xang

Avenue Lane Xang

Ave Lane Xang

Patuxai Monument

Patuxai Monument

Ave Lane Xang

The Patuxai Monument/Victory Gate or Gate of Triumph, is a war monument built between 1957 and 1968. The Patuxai is dedicated to those who fought in the struggle for independence from France.

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Pha That Luang

The Pha That Luang is a gold covered Stupa in the centre of the city, The stupa is regarded as a national monument.

Wat Thatluang Neua

Wat Thatluang Neua

Pha That Luang

Pha That Luang

Pha That Luang

Pha That Luang

Further Reading on Wikipedia : Pha That Luang

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Rue Setthathilath South

Wat Si Muang

Wat Si Muang

Rue Setthathilath South

King Sisavangvong Statue Park

King Sisavangvong Statue Park

Rue Setthathilath South

Near Kungs Cafe

Near Kungs Cafe

Rue Setthathilath South

Haw Pha Kaew

Haw Pha Kaew

Rue Setthathilath South



Rue Setthathilath South

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